Smoking: Quit It Before It Quits the Future
Smoking is the root cause of numerous health issues. It not only damages the functionality of body organs but also reduces life expectancy. Recent studies have found that it may also result in damaged DNA to be passed to the offspring.
Due to the constant stress of the corporate lifestyle in urban areas, more and more people have become prone to regular cigarette use and other tobacco products. The deteriorating health of this growing population of smokers is a cause of concern. Let us take a look at the harmful effects of tobacco use and cigarette smoking.
Harmful effects of cigarette smoking:
It contains some of the most harmful chemicals for the human body, like tar, nicotine, arsenic, cadmium, benzene, and formaldehyde. All these chemicals are known carcinogens that can cause cancer in the future.
Cigarette smoke is also known to contain harmful substances like carbon monoxide, cyanide, and ammonia, proving to be poisonous for the human body and resulting in tobacco-related diseases.
The presence of nicotine and carbon monoxide, inhaled from cigarette smoke, can cause a temporary increase in blood pressure and heart rate. It strains and damages blood vessels in the long term.
Smoking might also result in a drop in oxygen levels in the body, as carbon monoxide binds to hemoglobin and affects their oxygen-carrying ability.
Excessive smoking is also known to reduce the immune system's functionality and increases the risk of respiratory diseases.
Smokers also face the risk of depleting antioxidant levels, thereby lowering the body's ability to repair damaged cells.
Diseases caused due to smoking
In the long run, smoking can cause serious diseases. Some major diseases associated with smoking and tobacco use are:
Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases like Bronchitis
Heart Attacks and Strokes
Cancers in different organs, especially Lungs, Stomach, Oesophagus, Pancreas, and Mouth
It might also cause hypertension.
Thus, the more cigarettes smoked, the more the danger of contracting illnesses and damaging one's health. Therefore, it is mandatory to quit smoking before it destroys the future and causes physical and mental suffering due to all these diseases.
Although there is no written guidebook for quitting smoking, the foremost step is the willingness to do so. Once a smoker is convinced that they need to leave this habit, they can adopt numerous tips and ideas to help them through the process.
Ways to help quit smoking:
Figure out the reason for quitting
Everyone has their own reason for quitting smoking. It could be the fear of suffering from diseases or diminishing physical well-being. Believing in this conviction can help reduce smoking.
Changing habits
For regular smokers, smoking becomes a way of life. It can be linked to activities like reading, eating, or watching TV. Even using Nicotex chewing gums may still bring out the tobacco urges. Thus, bringing a lifestyle change may help in reducing habitual smoking.
Medical assistance
Smokers are advised to take the help of medical professionals to expedite their journey of quitting smoking. Doctors may recommend Nicotine Replacement Therapies and prescribe substitutes like the Nicotex chewing gum to help to quit smoking.
People usually smoke to relieve stress; however, in the long run, smoking can cause even more stress to the mental and physical wellness of the human body. Thus, be it going cold turkey or using Nicotex gums, one must make sure they quit smoking before it quits their future.
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