The Effects of Chewing Gum on Tobacco Withdrawal

Smoking can cause life-threatening diseases like cancer, and unfortunately, people addicted to it struggle to quit. The withdrawal symptoms often make people give up their resolve to quit and deter many from even trying. This challenge has incentivized companies to create products that help people give up tobacco and cigarettes. The Nicotex chewing gum is an example of such a product. They come in many flavors like strawberry, mint, vanilla, etc.

Studies have proven that chewing nicotine gum can reduce the craving for nicotine when a person stops smoking. Research has also shown that the act of chewing, along with the flavor of the gum, can temper the acute withdrawal symptoms that flare up when someone gives up tobacco and smoking. How? It is believed that the process of chewing gum signals the brain that the urge to smoke has been fulfilled. 

Nicotine gums are a great help in quitting smoking. The therapeutic nicotine in them quells the urge without the smoke and also allows you to quit. With products like Nicotex chewing gum, people can check their nicotine intake by reducing the number of gums they chew every day. Nicotine gums come in two dosages: 2 mg for those who smoke less than 25 cigarettes a day; and 4 mg for those who smoke 25 cigarettes or more per day. 

Nicotine gums are a good alternative for people who are significantly dependent on smoke or nicotine. A few signs of severe nicotine dependence are:

  • Smoking one pack or more a day

  • Smoking first thing in the morning

  • Smoking when in fever or ill

  • Waking up at night just to smoke

  • Smoking when withdrawal symptoms start 

However, Nicotex gums are not like your regular chewing gum. You need to chew them slowly until you feel a mild tingling sensation. Then place the gum between your cheeks and gums. When the tingling stops, chew the gum again. Repeat the process until the gum has released all the nicotine it contains.

Although Nicotex gums help you quit cigarettes, the effort and motivation must come from within. These products don’t work like magic; you need to be patient and not lose hope. Surround yourself with people who appreciate you and boost your confidence. Always call them when you think it’s getting difficult. Write down why you want to quit smoking and remind yourself of it in your moment of weakness. As long as you are steadfast on the mission, Nicotex chewing gum will help you attain your goal of a tobacco-free, healthy and happy life. 



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