What are the Major Side Effects of Smoking ?

According to the World Health Organisation, tobacco kills more than 8 million people globally every year. Out of which, more than 7 million deaths are due to direct consumption of tobacco and the rest are due to non-smokers being exposed to second-hand smoke. 


Smoking products are made of tobacco that contains a highly addictive chemical called nicotine. Nicotine addiction can be mental, physical and behavioural. Physical addiction includes constant urge to smoke, mental addiction means constant desire to have nicotine effects. Behavioural means having a fixed routine time to smoke like after or before a meal.


What are the Signs of the addictive nature of a smoker? 

Here are some signs that show you are addicted towards nicotine:

  • Unable to stop using smoking products 

  • Major withdrawal symptoms once you stop smoking.

  • Desire to smoke even when you have health complications.

  • Continue using smoking products knowingly that it has a bad impact on your life. 


What is the best deaddiction method for smokers?

Anyone who has tried quitting knows how difficult it is.  Quitting leads to major withdrawal symptoms which most of the time relapse the smoker towards smoking. One of the best ways to cope with withdrawal symptoms is WHO- approved Nicotine Replacement Therapy(NRT). Nicotex nicotine chewing gums work on the principle of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). 

Nicotex nicotine gum gradually allows the body to adjust with the less nicotine intake until your body no longer needs nicotine. Nicotex nicotine chewing gum should not be consumed like regular gums. It has to be chewed slowly for at least 15 mins for it to be most effective. Nicotex chewing gum comes in 2 variants 2 mg and 4mg. 2mg is for people who smoke less than 20 cigarettes a day and 4mg is for people who smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day. Step down the dosage of nicotine chewing gums to quit smoking over the next several weeks. 


What are the various side effects of smoking? 

Smoking can affect any part of the body and cause serious health complications. Here are some of the major side effects of smoking:

  • Lung damage: Tobacco is one of the primary causes of cardiovascular and respiratory disease like bronchitis and lung cancer.

  • Poor vision: Smoking can reduce vision and cause eye disorders like glaucoma, cataract, and macular degeneration.

  • Premature menopause in women: Females who smoke can experience infertility issues and reach their menopause stage much earlier than non-smokers. 

  • Anxiety and irritability: Nicotine is responsible for addiction to smoking. If a smoker misses smoking in their usual routine they face withdrawal symptoms of anxiety and irritability. 

  • Heart diseases: Smokers are at a very high risk of developing heart diseases. Nicotine constricts the blood vessels and reduces the flow of blood in the heart. The restricted flow can lead to heart attack, high blood pressure, blood clotting and heart stroke. 

  • Erectile dysfunction in males: The process of erection needs adequate blood flow in the penis. Smoking constricts the blood vessels and reduces the blood flow resulting in erectile dysfunction. 

  • Cancer: Smoking can be the root cause for cancer in the blood, throat, kidney, bladder, cervix and mouth. 

  • Pregnancy-related issues: Smoking during pregnancy can cause miscarriages and health issues in the newborn.

  • Loss of appetite: Smoking can suppress your appetite as it decreases your taste and sense of smell. 

  • High cholesterol: Smoking lowers your good cholesterol (HDL) levels and increases your bad cholesterol (LDL) levels. 

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: COPD is a combination of many lung diseases that blocks the flow of air and makes breathing difficult. It is found to be more common in smokers than non-smokers. 

  • Premature ageing: Ingredients in smoking products can cause wrinkles and dryness in the skin and reduce blood flow in skin cells. 

  • Type 2 diabetes: smokers are at a much higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes as smoking increases insulin resistance in the body. 

Unhealthy teeth: Brownish and yellowish teeth are signs of prolonged smoking. Smoking can lead to severe infections and inflammation in the teeth, leading to loss of teeth.


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